Sunday, December 20, 2009

6 Months?!?

Yes . . . she is six months. Hard to believe. We have a couple pictures of her eating 'solid foods' and of her sitting up on her very own. Hope you enjoy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

5 Months

Chelsea will be 5 months on November 22nd.

Here are some pictures of our little ladybug. She dressed up on Halloween and went trick-or-treating with some friends.

We went for a walk and Chelsea was able to touch grass for the first time.

Chelsea is getting to know the animals. They are getting to know her.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hey all we have some more pictures up for you to see our lovely daughter. We hope these pictures find you well. We are settled in our new home and are very comfortable. I am sure Chelsea loves having her own room.

And we will put up the dedication video, but we are having some "technical difficulties." :)

As you can see, mother a daughter are getting along.

Chelsea has also already convinced her dad to dance with her. As you can see she is very talented.

And here are some pictures of Chelsea's first
apple picking trip. She only ate 2 apples.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

9 Weeks

Now you get to see Chelsea in action. And this is a chance we can update you on her latest visit to the doctor for her 2 month check-up. She is now 25 inches long and in the 100% for her age. And she weighed in at 13 pounds and 8 ounces. Her weight places her in the 96% for her age. So you can see, that basketball career is starting to take shape, that or maybe a linebacker not really sure. :)
Thanks again for all of your prayers.

God bless
the Polsons

Friday, August 7, 2009

6 Weeks

Chelsea is doing wonderful. It's hard to believe she is already 6 weeks old and with all kinds of changes. One thing that has brought us great joy is that she gives lots of smiles now. She does not like the camera, hence her expression in the first picture. She is very responsive and is starting to hold her head up very well.
At her last checkup (1 month) she was 23.6 inches long and 11.1 pounds. She is in the 98th percentile in height and 95th in weight. She is going to be a tall girl. JR has high hopes of the WNBA.
We would also like to let you know that if you would like to see some professional pictures of Chelsea, done by my cousin Amber, go to the website and click on 'client proofs.' You should be able to figure out the rest. Also, if you haven't received an e-mail from Kodak with candid pictures taken by JR and Kendra and you would like to have it e-mailed to you, just let one of us know and we will make it happen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 Weeks

Well, it has now been 3 weeks and 3 days since our lovely Chelsea was born. She has had a lots of firsts. When she was only 6 days old she raised her hand in her first church service. When she was 10 days old she lasted for a 9 hour car trip, her first wedding when she was 11 days old and her first restaurant, Bonanza, when she was only 12 days old.
And then the normals. Some night we sleep more than others. She has a good set of lungs and, so far, a full head of hair. We hope she wont lose any at all. Don't worry, the family knows that very soon she will have more hair than daddy.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Baby alert!!

This update is brought to you by: Cousin Amber - photographer/hacker :) Well ok, JR asked me to put some pictures up that I took of Chelsea Anne Polson who was less than 24 hours old! So here they are!

name: Chelsea Anne Polson
born: approximately 1am Monday June 22nd
stats: 8lbs 15oz 20in long
Kendra: doing well
JR: still JR

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sorry, it has been so long. We have been very busy and a little distracted. So first the important stuff. No, Kendra has not had the baby yet. And, yes, she is doing well. There are only four days left till our due date, and everyone, both mom and baby are very healthy. In case you are wondering, we are ready for our little baby girl to join us, so we would appreciate any prayers to speed this little oven onto completion. Kendra has finally taken a break from school. She took her first week off to finish grades for her class. And this past week she spent many hours getting our home in order. And this week she hopes to rest and have the baby.
Well, lets up date you on some of our recent life changing events. Our main reason we have ignore this lovely blog is because we have recently moved. We moved into a one bedroom apartment. It might sound small for us, but we love it. It is in an amazing neighborhood and has a beautiful lawn for our daughter to play in.

We have taken a few pictures of key places our daughter will be spending most of her first few months with us.

This is where our daughter will be spending a lot of time sleeping "quietly."
She will have a great view our our lawn and our lovely garden. As you can see from this picture we have a deck right outside our bedroom.

And this is our lovely bathroom.

As you can see this is just a small part of our good size bathroom. Where we will spend many times a day changing her. Of this we are told we have no choice. :)

And now our spacious living room.
This is merely one corner. But you can see that our daughter will have plenty of light and room to play. Wow, I sound like a Realtor. Anyway, we are finally finished getting everything set up for us and the baby. We have finished all of our baby prep classes, so when we say, "we are ready." We mean it.
Well, we also have one more big piece of news. J.R. is now the newest property of the U.S. Navy. We are very excited. This is the first step to becoming a Chaplain in service to this great nation. His first job, while finishing his M. Div. is in the advanced electronic computer field. He doesn't ship out for quite a while. But we will keep you up to date. He now just gets to run and do push-ups till he leaves.

As you can see our life is changing, a lot, and we think it is for the better.

Peace and God bless
The Polson family

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

30 weeks

Hey to all of you who are reading this because you love us so much. We apoligize for keeping you waiting, we wanted this to go out last Saturday when Kendra hit 30 weeks.
So we are now offically 75% complete of the pregnancy if goes as the doctors have planned. But, lets get to the good stuff that you all want to know.
First, both mom and baby are right on track and are very healthy. In fact we just had a checkup less than an hour ago. And lets tell you what, this litte girl likes to kick. She hardly gives Kendra any chance to relax. That's untill I try to feel her move. That's usually the time she stops kicking.
Second, we still dont have a name. And at this point, we probably wont pick a name till we see here face to face. But we do welcome all suggestions.
Life has been pretty busy for us lately. Kendra's students recently finished their Social Studies Fair projects and did very well. And I am spending more time on side work in addition to the church. My class on Monday nights, though long and in a different state, is excellent and I enjoy the class.
And to let those of you know, we will be moving in a few weeks. We will try to post another blog right before we move and one after we finish....... whenever that is.
I cant forget Kendra is looking forward to the shower the 18th. And if you ladies didn't know, you are invited.
We hope this note finds you well. God bless
The Polsons

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Week 27

Well, not much new to share with you all. With the recent visit to the Mid-wives, we know that Kendra and baby are right on track. They are both very healthy. And it has come to Kendra's attention that the baby really likes Italian food.
J.R. has tried to steal some of the attention by getting shingles. He is doing well and now the whole family is healthy again.
We still have yet to decide on a name. If you have any ideas, we are open to read them. Please feel free to respond.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 25

Mother and baby are doing great. Kendra is struggling with sleeping through the night, but doesn't feel like she can complain. The pregnancy has been very easy . . . so far.
The baby is kicking a lot more often now. J.R. finally felt the baby kick last night and he is very excited!
I know everyone is wondering but, no, we still don't have a name.
The big event since our last blog is our trip to New York City. It was our first time in the city. We did all the touristy things and caught a Broadway show, South Pacific.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 22

If you did not know, we are pregnant. Kendra is due on June 13th. The pregnancy is going well. Kendra had the normal 1st trimester nausea and was very tired. However, the nausea is gone and the energy level has returned.

We are having a girl! YAY!!! Both parents are very excited! No, we don't have any names picked out, but we have some favorites.

The belly is here. We have included a picture for all to see. On week 20 Kendra felt the baby kick for the 1st time. Since then she has felt her often. The baby seems to especially like Italian food. JR has not been able to feel it yet. But we are hoping soon.

About Our Bog

Family and Friends,

We have created this blog to make it easier for the people in our lives to know what's going on in the Polson Family. For the next few months it will be mostly updates on how the pregnancy is going and many pictures of the belly. But as the year goes on this will be our way of communicating what is happening in our child's life, as well as our own.